Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jogging, the Cheap Sport, a lot of Benefits

Everyone will want to live healthily. However, with changing weather conditions often erratic, sometimes we often have health problems. There are many ways to keep your body to stay healthy. Keep your body healthy, does not require expensive, with a simple and inexpensive ways we can get it too. One way to keep your body healthy and free of charge is with jogging
People who have a body weight of 71 kilograms which to run as far as 5 kilo-meters will burn 384 calories in the body. As if the person is cycling the same distance, calories burned can be only 136 calories. That is one of the benefits of running thus reducing the risks of degenerative diseases associated with excess body fat, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

Here are 10 scientific exposure reveals why jogging can maintain our youthfulness:
1. Good for eye sight 
The man who ran 56 km a week, tends to successfully reduce the risk of disruption of eye sight due to age up to 54 percent, when compared with those who ran only 16 km per week. 

2. Keeping Heart Health:
Someone who constantly ran as far as 16 km in a week will be 39 percent more rarely have disturbances in blood pressure. Plus, they will rarely accumulate cholesterol in the blood vessels up to 34 percent.

3. Increase the Passion:
The man who burns about 3,000 calories per week of activity ran for 5 hours, will distance himself from erectile dysfunction by 83 percent.

4. Strong Bones:
Bone mass of runners turned out better than other aerobic athletes, according to the University of Missouri. The researchers compared the bone density of the runners to bikers. There are as many as 63 percent of bikers who have a bad bone mass, whereas only 19 percent of runners.

5. Good for Smooth Thinking:
A study conducted on workers in the UK revealed that routinely run make them rarely make mistakes on the job, have good concentration, and more produkif than workers who only occasionally run.

6. Free from dementia:
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported that female when adolescents are diligent exercise of running, in old age rarely have dementia.

7. Sleep more soundly:
The insomnia is asked to run, it managed to speed up the sleep time by 17 minutes compared to when they are not running. Plus, they sleep more soundly, even the day after the run.

8. Rarely Flu Affected:
Runners who ran an hour every day, would avoid the flu virus attack  to 18 percent
compared who did not run.

9. It was a relief to breathe:
Research carried out for people with asthma who were asked to do jogging in a week, after 3 months, they managed to reduce asthma attacks. The respondents claimed to breathe more easily and more powerful immune.

10. Longevity:
An examination of 22 studies revealed that people who run 2.5 hours a week will reduce the risk of dying at a young age up to 19 percent. While other studies have revealed that people who actively exercise will reduce the risk of dying at a young age up to 50 percent.

Let's not just chuckle when I saw the list of research at the top, start entering the jogging as one of our sports options. Cheap sport will also be more fun if we do while listening to favorite songs. An added bonus, research shows, sportswhile listening to music will sharpen your brain works. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Treating Cough with Traditional Way

Traditional cough medicine can be an alternative or even the primary option in relieving cough. Cough is one of the symptoms of the disease that often comes. This is due to the environment and food. Those things result in cough occurs because there is irritation in the throat. Cough, it seems only a trivial disease, but if not overcome it will interfere daily activities. If coughing attacks,  we often can not sleep at night. Health problems caused by the cough can be overcome with the using of traditional medicine. Traditional cough medicine becomes a natural choice because it has no side effect. Coughing consists of several types, so there is some choice in determining a suitable chemical cough medications according to symptoms. It also makes people choose a traditional cough medicine because it can relieve all symptoms. The following simple tips to treat a cough, so that good health soon.

Lime is known to have many benefits for health and beauty. One of the benefits of lime is to a traditional cough medicine. Lime juice can help relieve a cough that disturb daily activities. A squeeze of lemon juice mixed with honey and boiled water. 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of pure honey and 5 tablespoons of boiled water steamed  for 30 minutes. The dose to take this herb is one teaspoon twice a day. Other traditional cough medicine made ​​from a mixture of lime and soy sauce. The herb is more easy, just lemon juice mixed with soy sauce and drink it twice a day as much as a teaspoon.

Another traditional cough medicine made ​​from ginger. Ginger not only relieve the cough but also cold. Cough and cold is a symptom of a disease that often come up and sometimes at the same time. Traditional ingredients of ginger cough medicines made ​​with lump sugar and palm sugar and water. How to make it not difficult, ginger boiled in two cups water to boil for 15 to 20 minutes. After it was cooled and filtered. Add lump sugar to relieve coughs and palm sugar to relieve cold.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tips to Improve Memory

Forgetting is human. But if you often forget this is certainly different, because if it means he's forgotten to say the disease is forgetfulness.Cells in the brain have something special to remember. Well, these specialized cells to remember we must guard even should we train for his ability to remember the better.   

1. Allowing yourself to sleep well
 Sleep needed to rest and regenerate body cells

2. Make exercise a routine

Exercise can accelerate blood circulation. Good blood circulation will increase the production of oxygen to  the brain is very useful to sharpen your thinking skills
3. Perform game-related memory

Habits do crossword puzzles available in newspapers positively beneficial to improve one's memory.

4. Allowing yourself to relax

Pressure or stress makes the brain work to weaken and difficulty concentrating. In such a case, rest for a moment while doing relaxing activities like reading books, playing games online to restore the brain works.

5. Allowing yourself to eat healthy and nutritious foods

Fish oil can sharpen your memory, in addition to foodstuffs such as red and purple blueberry, fruit bits, and scallions.

Thus, tips to improve memory. May be useful 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to overcome Insomnia

Normal human will feel sleepy at night and would wake up in the morning. With enough sleep, people can move from morning till night in a state fit as a fiddle. However, there are people who have difficulty sleeping at night because they do not feel sleepy at night so he could not sleep all night. If insomnia isn't treated immediately, it will harm our health. Of course, if the health is poor, it will affect activities throughout the day. To overcome the health problems caused by insomnia, here are some simple health tips that may be overcome insomnia.

Tips / How to Overcome Insomnia

1. Sleep only at Night

If there was a shift hours sleep, then you should force yourself to sleep only at night. While drowsy in the morning, afternoon, and evening, hold it by doing various activities that make the stay awake from sleep. Later when the sleep habits of discipline will be applied to our bodies get used to.

2. Serious In Learning The Night

Usually when we are school or college student, when we learn is the most boring, so we often do not become drowsy and fell asleep. You try to force it to learn something hard like a student,that 
tomorrow will do a national exam maybe you want to be fast asleep. Prepare textbooks by borrowing or buying new and used.
3. Maximize Activity When Not Sleeping

Activities that really make a body tired like the sport after a home office, home school, home tuition with sports that require power such as futsal, badminton, tennis, soccer, basketball, table tennis, and so forth. Other physical activities such as mopping, sweeping, and others can also help improve sleep at night as normal.

4. Avoid Food and Beverage Causes of Insomnia

Live healthy by including both substances into the body. Avoid taking drugs, drinking alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, and others. Do not consume coffee because caffeine is in it can make us difficult to sleep. Avoid energy drinks so that no excess energy our body which makes it difficult to sleep. Eating a nutritious drink enough to have a healthy life without addictive substances.

5. Being Sleep Routines That Make Fun and Convenient

Make it fun to sleep. When lying down to sleep do not think about anything, empty your mind and enjoy delicious lying on a soft bed. Keep the temperature stable and fair with the help of ac, fan, and so forth. Before bed do not forget to drink enough water, wash your hands wash your feet, take care of little things, read a prayer and went to bed. If you think something is too much trouble then you can be fast asleep.

Hopefully this article tips can be useful for us all, so much and thank you for your visit

How to Removing Acne Naturally with Tomatoes

Every women will want to look beautiful. However, some of them often have problems of acne on their face.Acne is often interfere with someone's appearance and self confidence because the skin becomes unhealthy and likely to damage the face. Some contributing factors include the purity facial skin that is not awake, stress, unhealthy eating and irregular, the issue of hormone disruption, etc. But don't worry, because all around us there are many natural ingredients that we can use to make our face more beautiful, health and without side effects. This time, there are simple beauty tips to treat acne using tomato.

Removing acne not only with chemical drugs or go to a dermatologist who face costly maintenance expenses. One way is in a natural way like using tomatoes. How to make the tomatoes are cooked sliced ​​small, then before going to sleep at night and apply to acne affected parts of the face and when it is often done, shall be healed. Good luck and good luck eliminating existing acne on your face.