Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Treating Cough with Traditional Way

Traditional cough medicine can be an alternative or even the primary option in relieving cough. Cough is one of the symptoms of the disease that often comes. This is due to the environment and food. Those things result in cough occurs because there is irritation in the throat. Cough, it seems only a trivial disease, but if not overcome it will interfere daily activities. If coughing attacks,  we often can not sleep at night. Health problems caused by the cough can be overcome with the using of traditional medicine. Traditional cough medicine becomes a natural choice because it has no side effect. Coughing consists of several types, so there is some choice in determining a suitable chemical cough medications according to symptoms. It also makes people choose a traditional cough medicine because it can relieve all symptoms. The following simple tips to treat a cough, so that good health soon.

Lime is known to have many benefits for health and beauty. One of the benefits of lime is to a traditional cough medicine. Lime juice can help relieve a cough that disturb daily activities. A squeeze of lemon juice mixed with honey and boiled water. 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of pure honey and 5 tablespoons of boiled water steamed  for 30 minutes. The dose to take this herb is one teaspoon twice a day. Other traditional cough medicine made ​​from a mixture of lime and soy sauce. The herb is more easy, just lemon juice mixed with soy sauce and drink it twice a day as much as a teaspoon.

Another traditional cough medicine made ​​from ginger. Ginger not only relieve the cough but also cold. Cough and cold is a symptom of a disease that often come up and sometimes at the same time. Traditional ingredients of ginger cough medicines made ​​with lump sugar and palm sugar and water. How to make it not difficult, ginger boiled in two cups water to boil for 15 to 20 minutes. After it was cooled and filtered. Add lump sugar to relieve coughs and palm sugar to relieve cold.

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